
MODAPKLIFE.COM’s content comes either directly from submission by email or is freely available online in public domain, according to our understanding of U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act Title 17 U.S.C 107

Notification of Copyright Infringement
APKdone.com operates in full accordance with 17 U.S.C SS 512 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). Our policy is to respond immediately and take appropriate actions under both laws pertaining to intellectual property protection and infringement notices received, both according to 17 U.S.C SS 512 and other relevant intellectual property legislation.

If your copyrighted material has been published on Apkdone.com or returned by any search engine and you wish for its removal, provide written communication that details all the following information in section 2 as outlined herein. Beware that misrepresenting information found here could cause damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees), so if possible first seek advice from legal advisor.

Include these components of your copyright infringement claim:

Provide evidence that an authorized individual has been authorized to act for an owner claiming an exclusive right is being infringed, along with sufficient contact information (including valid email address) so we may reach you.
Your complaint must provide sufficient detail of the allegedly infringed work and at least one search term it appears under on modapklife.com search results.
Statement from the complainant outlining their belief that use of material in question does not comply with copyright owner, agent or law.
Statement to verify the information included in your notification as accurate, under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party has authority from an exclusive right owner who claims their right has been infringed upon.